Summer Session For New Students

Get a head start on your coursework at San Diego State University and attend summer
session this year! New students with a complete Intent to Enroll have the opportunity
to take classes at SDSU this summer.
Please note: Newly admitted graduate students should contact their graduate program directly
to discuss summer registration eligibility.
The courses listed below are a sample of course offerings. Search for classes on the
Class Schedule website by entering keywords (e.g. course, subject, class, or topic). On the next
screen, you can filter the list by campus, class status, subject, number of units,
location, academic session, class meeting days and times, instruction mode, and/or
class attribute.
Steps to Become Eligible for Summer Session Registration for New Students
- Complete the Intent to Enroll process and review your To Do's in my.SDSU. Before submitting the Summer Session Registration Request form, submit all of your
Intent to Enroll items. Summer Session registration requests will not be approved if Intent to Enroll
items are missing or incomplete. Learn how to navigate my.SDSU and accept your offer
of admission by using the Finalize Your Enrollment Guide.
- If your residency status is undetermined, you must complete the Residence Questionnaire form (available in April). Once your
residency determination has been made, you may submit the Summer Session Registration
Request form.
- Complete and submit the Summer Session request form on my.SDSU by June 14, 2024. The request form will be available in April and will be located in the Applicant section of my.SDSU. From your Profile tile, navigate to the Student Forms and select the Summer Early Entry Request link. Once the form is submitted, the Office of Admissions will verify your admission
eligibility through a review of your official documents. All courses required for
admission that are indicated on your application as in progress or planned must be
passed with a "C-" or higher grade. You must also maintain the grade point average
reported on your application. Note: If the admission requirements are not met, your offer of admission may be withdrawn.
- Double check the following requirements and make sure that you have:
- Completed the Golden Four General Education (GE) courses with a "C-" or higher grade
by the end of spring 2024. The Golden Four courses include GE Oral Communication,
GE Written Communication, GE Critical Thinking, and GE Mathematics.
- Completed a minimum of 60 transferable semester (or 90 or more quarter) units by the
end of the spring 2024 term. Summer 2024 will not be used to meet this requirement.
- Met and maintained the overall cumulative GPA requirement for the major that you were
admitted to.
- If your residency status is undetermined, you must complete the Residence Questionnaire form (available in April). Once your
residency determination has been made, you may submit the Summer Session Registration
Request form.
- Complete the Intent to Enroll process and review your To Do's in my.SDSU. Before submitting the Summer Session Registration Request form, submit all of your
Intent to Enroll items. Summer Session registration requests will not be approved if Intent to Enroll
items are missing or incomplete. Learn how to navigate my.SDSU and accept your offer
of admission by using the Finalize Your Enrollment Guide.
- Complete and submit the Summer Session request form on my.SDSU by June 14, 2024. The request form will be available in April and will be located in the Applicant section of my.SDSU. From your Profile tile, navigate to the Student Forms and select the Summer Early Entry Request link. Once the form is submitted, the Office of Admissions will verify your admission
eligibility through a review of your official documents. Please keep in mind that
admission decisions were based on self-reported information from your Academic History
and Prerequisite Update on Cal State Apply. The Office of Admissions will verify your
reported information upon receiving your official transcripts and test scores. All
courses required for admission must be passed with a "C-" or higher grade, and you
must also maintain the grade point average reported on your application. Note: If the admission requirements are not met, your offer of admission may be withdrawn.
Once the Office of Admissions verifies your admission eligibility through a review
of your official documents, you will receive an email informing you of the status
of your summer session registration request. If eligible, information regarding your
assigned summer registration date and time will be available in my.SDSU.
Registration Request Deadlines
Please keep in mind that the deadline for requests is June 14, 2024.
Summer Session |
Dates |
Request Deadline |
Six Week Summer Session 2 (S2) |
July 1–August 9, 2024 |
June 14, 2024 |
Four Week Summer Session 3 (S3) |
June 3–28, 2024 |
May 22, 2024 |
Eight Week Summer Session 4 (S4) |
June 17–August 9, 2024 |
June 3, 2024 |
Courses for New Students
View the classes offered by your college to see which courses are available to you
this summer. Visit the Academic Programs web page if you are not sure which college your academic program is in.
If you have questions about which classes to take during summer session, please contact
the student success center in your college:
For more information on how to register, review the my.SDSU Student Registration Guide.
First-year students are encouraged to take General Education (GE) courses with course
numbers of 100–299.
College of Arts and Letters
Course # |
Course Title |
Schedule # |
Session |
Location |
AFRAS 101 |
Intro to Africana Studies |
1668 |
S2 |
Online |
AFRAS 170A |
Afro-American History |
1670 |
S2 |
Online |
AFRAS 170B |
Afro-American History |
2171 |
S2 |
Online |
AMIND 141 |
US Hist Am Ind Perspec 2 |
2035 |
S2 |
Online |
AMIND 141 |
US Hist Am Ind Perspec 2 |
2169 |
S2 |
Campus |
ANTH 101 |
Human Bio-Cultural Origin |
1737 |
S2 |
Online |
ASIAN 102A |
Politics/Power & Asian America |
2593 |
S2 |
Online |
ASIAN 102B |
Asian American History |
2320 |
S2 |
Online |
HIST 101 |
World History |
1724 |
S2 |
Online |
HIST 110 |
American Hist Since C War |
2615 |
S2 |
Online |
HIST 157 |
Comics and History |
1727 |
S2 |
Online |
HUM 140 |
World Mythology |
2640 |
S2 |
Online |
ITAL 100B |
Elementary Italian II |
1749 |
S2 |
Online |
LATAM 101 |
Intro Latin Amer Studies |
1750 |
S2 |
Online |
PHIL 101 |
Intro Philosophy Ethics |
1756 |
S2 |
Online |
PHIL 140 |
Tech and Human Behavior |
1758 |
S2 |
Online |
REL S 103 |
American Rel Diversity |
2608 |
S2 |
Online |
REL S 258 |
Death, Dying, Afterlife |
1732 |
S2 |
Online |
RWS 100 |
Rhetoric Written Argument |
1883 |
S2 |
Campus |
SOC 101 |
Intr Soc:Study of Society |
2036 |
S2 |
Campus |
SOC 102 |
Intro to Social Problems |
1980 |
S2 |
Online |
SPAN 101 |
Intro to Spanish I |
1791 |
S2 |
Campus |
SPAN 102 |
Intro to Spanish II |
1793 |
S2 |
Campus |
SPAN 201 |
Intermediate Spanish I |
1795 |
S2 |
Campus |
College of Education
Course # |
Course Title |
Schedule # |
Session |
Location |
DLE 102 |
American Sign Language II |
1298 |
S2 |
Online |
LEAD 100 |
Intro to Leadership |
2377 |
S2 |
Campus |
College of Health and Human Services
Course # |
Course Title |
Schedule # |
Session |
Location |
GERO 101 |
Intro to Human Aging |
1347 |
S2 |
Online |
GP H 101 |
Intro to Public Health |
1002 |
S2 |
Online |
SLHS 106 |
Intro to SLHS |
1043 |
S2 |
Online |
SLHS 150 |
Sign Lngs & Deaf Culture |
1044 |
S2 |
Online |
SWORK 110 |
Soc Wrk Fields of Service |
1340 |
S2 |
Online |
College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts
Course # |
Course Title |
Schedule # |
Session |
Location |
ART 157 |
Introduction to Art |
1536 |
S2 |
Online |
COMM 103 |
Oral Communication |
1652 |
S2 |
Campus |
COMM 103 |
Oral Communication |
1653 |
S2 |
Campus |
College of Sciences
Course # |
Course Title |
Schedule # |
Session |
Location |
CHEM 100 |
Intro to General Chemistry |
2711 |
S4 |
Campus |
CHEM 130 |
Elem Organic Chemistry |
1996 |
S2 |
Online |
CHEM 200 |
General Chemistry |
1798 |
S2 |
Online |
CHEM 200 |
General Chemistry |
1799 |
S2 |
Online |
CHEM 200 |
General Chemistry |
1800 |
S2 |
Online |
CHEM 200 |
General Chemistry |
1801 |
S2 |
Campus |
CHEM 200 |
General Chemistry |
1803 |
S2 |
Campus |
GEOL 100 |
Planet Earth |
1086 |
S2 |
Online |
MATH 120 |
Calculus for Bus Analysis |
2081 |
S2 |
Online |
MATH 140X |
College Algebra Support |
2212 |
S2 |
Campus |
MATH 141 |
Precalculus |
2655 |
S2 |
Campus |
MATH 141 |
Precalculus |
2656 |
S2 |
Campus |
MATH 141 |
Precalculus |
2657 |
S2 |
Campus |
MATH 151 |
Calculus II |
2099 |
S2 |
Online |
MATH 151 |
Calculus II |
2100 |
S2 |
Online |
PSY 101 |
Introductory Psychology |
2661 |
S2 |
Online |
STAT 119 |
Elem Statistics Business |
2664 |
S2 |
Campus |
STAT 119X |
Elem Stats Support |
2663 |
S2 |
Online |
College of Arts and Letters
Course # |
Course Title |
Schedule # |
Session |
Location |
ANTH 360 |
Modern Forensic Anth |
1739 |
S2 |
Online |
CLASS 310 |
Grk & Roman Myth & Legend |
1999 |
S2 |
Online |
ECON 201 |
Statistical Methods |
1745 |
S2 |
Online |
ECON 330 |
Comparative Econ Systems |
1747 |
S2 |
Online |
HUM 412 |
Science & the Humanities |
2641 |
S2 |
Online |
LING 305W |
Adv Comp Internatl Studnt |
1773 |
S2 |
Online |
PHIL 330 |
Biomedical Ethics |
2316 |
S2 |
Online |
REL 339 |
Religions of India |
1733 |
S2 |
Online |
RWS 290 |
Business Writng & Rhetorc |
2046 |
S2 |
Online |
RWS 290 |
Business Writng & Rhetorc |
2095 |
S2 |
Online |
RWS 305W |
Writng in Various Settngs |
1899 |
S2 |
Online |
RWS 305W |
Writng in Various Settngs |
1900 |
S2 |
Online |
RWS 305W |
Writng in Various Settngs |
1901 |
S2 |
Online |
RWS 305W |
Writng in Various Settngs |
1902 |
S2 |
Online |
RWS 305W |
Writng in Various Settngs |
1903 |
S2 |
Online |
RWS 305W |
Writng in Various Settngs |
1904 |
S2 |
Online |
RWS 305W |
Writng in Various Settngs |
1905 |
S2 |
Online |
RWS 305W |
Writng in Various Settngs |
1906 |
S2 |
Online |
RWS 305W |
Writng in Various Settngs |
1907 |
S2 |
Online |
RWS 305W |
Writng in Various Settngs |
1908 |
S2 |
Online |
RWS 305W |
Writng in Various Settngs |
1984 |
S2 |
Online |
RWS 305W |
Writng in Various Settngs |
1985 |
S2 |
Online |
RWS 305W |
Writng in Various Settngs |
2086 |
S2 |
Online |
RWS 305W |
Writng in Various Settngs |
2087 |
S2 |
Online |
RWS 305W |
Writng in Various Settngs |
2282 |
S2 |
Online |
SOC 301 |
Social Research Methods |
1765 |
S2 |
Online |
SOC 355 |
Soc of Race & Ethnicity |
2304 |
S2 |
Online |
SOC 401 |
Classical Social Theory |
2626 |
S2 |
Online |
SOC 412 |
Soc Construction Reality |
1766 |
S2 |
Online |
SOC 459 |
American Labor Movement |
2644 |
S2 |
Online |
WMNST 325 |
Psychology of Women |
1715 |
S2 |
Online |
WMNST 360 |
Wmns Sexuality and Body |
1718 |
S2 |
Online |
WMNST 382 |
Gender, Science and Tech |
1719 |
S2 |
Online |
College of Education
Course # |
Course Title |
Schedule # |
Session |
Location |
CFD 370 |
Research/Eval Child/Fam |
1226 |
S2 |
Online |
CFD 375A |
Hum Devl Lrn Infnt Toddlr |
1223 |
S2 |
Online |
ED 451 |
Intro Multicultural Educ |
1080 |
S2 |
Online |
GEN 420 |
Disability and Society |
2033 |
S2 |
Online |
College of Engineering
Course # |
Course Title |
Schedule # |
Session |
Location |
CIV E 302 |
Solid Mechanics Lab |
1828 |
S2 |
Campus |
CIV E 421 |
Reinforced Concrete Desgn |
1830 |
S2 |
Campus |
CIV E 444 |
Applied Hydraulics |
1945 |
S2 |
Campus |
CIV E 444 |
Applied Hydraulics |
1946 |
S2 |
Campus |
CIV E 463 |
Geotechnical Engr Lab |
1832 |
S2 |
Campus |
CIV E 465 |
Found Engr Earth Ret Str |
1833 |
S2 |
Online |
CIV E 531 |
Pipe Flow & Wtr Dist Sys |
2610 |
S2 |
Campus |
CON E 350 |
Constructn Projct Contrls |
1994 |
S2 |
Campus |
E E 200 |
Analytical Methds for E E |
2665 |
S2 |
Online |
ENV E 355 |
Environmental Engineering |
1836 |
S2 |
Online |
M E 190 |
Computer-Aided Design |
1838 |
S2 |
Campus |
M E 190 |
Computer-Aided Design |
1839 |
S2 |
Campus |
M E 220 |
Dynamics |
1841 |
S2 |
Campus |
M E 230 |
Basics of Mechatronics |
2611 |
S2 |
Campus |
M E 230 |
Basics of Mechatronics |
2612 |
S2 |
Campus |
M E 314 |
Engr Design:Mech Compon |
1843 |
S2 |
Campus |
M E 452 |
Princ of Heat Transfer |
1845 |
S2 |
Campus |
College of Health and Human Services
Course # |
Course Title |
Schedule # |
Session |
Location |
ENS 265 |
Care & Prvntn Athl/Rec Inj |
2645 |
S2 |
Campus |
ENS 304 |
Physiology of Exercise |
1267 |
S2 |
Campus |
ENS 304L |
Exercise Physiology Lab |
1269 |
S2 |
Campus |
ENS 305 |
Measurement & Eval Kinesiol |
1270 |
S2 |
Online |
ENS 331 |
Exer & Nutr for Hlth & Fit |
1272 |
S2 |
Online |
ENS 434 |
Promot Phys Act Hlthy Eat |
1273 |
S2 |
Campus |
ENS 438 |
Psychosoc Aspects Dis/Inj |
2646 |
S2 |
Online |
ENS 438 |
Psychosoc Aspects Dis/Inj |
2646 |
S2 |
Campus |
GERO 101 |
Intro to Human Aging |
1347 |
S2 |
Online |
P H 292 |
History of Public Health |
1003 |
S2 |
Online |
P H 302 |
Epidem Commun Chron Disea |
2371 |
S2 |
Online |
SLHS 106 |
Intro to SLHS |
1043 |
S2 |
Online |
SLHS 150 |
Sign Lngs & Deaf Culture |
1044 |
S2 |
Online |
SWORK 350 |
Cultural Pluralism |
1341 |
S2 |
Online |
SWORK 360 |
Persp Hum Behav/Soc Envir |
1342 |
S2 |
Online |
College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts
Course # |
Course Title |
Schedule # |
Session |
Location |
ART 133 |
Modern Making |
1535 |
S2 |
Online |
ART 133 |
Modern Making |
2613 |
S2 |
Online |
ART 357 |
World Art in Contemp Life |
1537 |
S2 |
Online |
CJ 333 |
The Judiciary |
2368 |
S2 |
Online |
COMM 245 |
Interpersonal Comm |
1597 |
S2 |
Online |
COMM 321 |
Intro Health Comm |
2052 |
S2 |
Online |
COMM 350 |
Investigatng Communicatn |
1600 |
S2 |
Online |
COMM 371 |
Intercultural Commun |
1910 |
S2 |
Online |
DANCE 382 |
Dance in World Cultures |
1987 |
S3 |
Online |
JMS 200 |
Intro Contemporary Media |
1198 |
S2 |
Online |
JMS 250 |
Intro Intersect Rep Media |
1911 |
S2 |
Online |
JMS 315 |
Dgtl Media Princpl Design |
1200 |
S2 |
Online |
MUSIC 351 |
Mus & Cult: Hip Hop |
1580 |
S2 |
Online |
P A 340 |
Administrative Behavior |
2373 |
S2 |
Online |
P A 350 |
Contemporary Urban Issues |
1813 |
S2 |
Online |
RTM 396W |
Writing Rec Settings |
1335 |
S2 |
Online |
TFM 160 |
Cinema as Art |
1563 |
S2 |
Online |
TFM 160 |
Cinema as Art |
1564 |
S2 |
Campus |
TFM 363 |
International Cinema |
1565 |
S2 |
Online |
College of Sciences
Course # |
Course Title |
Schedule # |
Session |
Location |
BIOL 212 |
Human Anatomy |
1136 |
S2 |
Campus |
BIOL 212 |
Human Anatomy |
1137 |
S2 |
Campus |
BIOL 212 |
Human Anatomy |
1138 |
S2 |
Campus |
CHEM 232 |
Organic Chemistry |
1953 |
S2 |
Campus |
CHEM 232L |
Organic Chemistry Lab |
1954 |
S2 |
Campus |
CHEM 232L |
Organic Chemistry Lab |
1955 |
S2 |
Campus |
CHEM 365 |
Fundamentals Biochemistry |
2603 |
S2 |
Campus |
CS 480 |
Operating Systems |
1956 |
S2 |
Online |
ENV S 301 |
Energy & the Environment |
2353 |
S2 |
Online |
GEOL 303 |
Natural Disasters |
1088 |
S2 |
Online |
MATH 254 |
Intro to Linear Algebra |
1868 |
S2 |
Online |
PHYS 180B |
Fundamentals of Physics |
1651 |
S2 |
Online |
PHYS 182B |
Physical Measurements Lab |
1683 |
S2 |
Campus |
PHYS 196 |
Principles of Physics |
1702 |
S2 |
Online |
PHYS 196L |
Principles of Physics Lab |
1701 |
S2 |
Campus |
PHYS 182B |
Physical Measurements Lab |
1960 |
S2 |
Campus |
PHYS 182B |
Physical Measurements Lab |
1961 |
S2 |
Campus |
PHYS 182B |
Physical Measurements Lab |
1962 |
S2 |
Campus |
PSY 345 |
Chicana & Chicano Psych |
2842 |
S2 |
Online |
PSY 351 |
Psychology of Personality |
1856 |
S2 |
Online |
PSY 353 |
Stress Trauma Combat Expe |
1857 |
S2 |
Online |
PSY 360 |
Behavioral Neuroscience |
2308 |
S2 |
Online |
PSY 380 |
Intermed Cognitive Psy |
2734 |
S2 |
Online |
SCI 296 |
Calculus Strategies |
2237 |
S2 |
Campus |
STAT 350B |
Statistical Methods |
1709 |
S2 |
Online |
Fowler College of Business
Course # |
Course Title |
Schedule # |
Session |
Location |
ACCTG 325 |
Intermed Manag & Tax Acct |
2312 |
S2 |
Online |
ACCTG 331 |
Intermediate Accounting I |
2662 |
S2 |
Online |
ACCTG 332 |
Fed Inc Tax |
2313 |
S4 |
Online |
B A 300 |
Ethical Dec Making in Bus |
2597 |
S2 |
Online |
B A 300 |
Ethical Dec Making in Bus |
2598 |
S2 |
Online |
B A 310 |
Foundation Bus Global |
1447 |
S2 |
Online |
B A 323 |
Fundamentals of Finance |
1403 |
S2 |
Online |
B A 360 |
Intro Op & Sc Mgt |
1630 |
S2 |
Online |
B A 360 |
Intro Op & Sc Mgt |
2084 |
S2 |
Online |
B A 370 |
Marketing |
1509 |
S2 |
Online |
FIN 240 |
Legal Environment of Bus |
1409 |
S2 |
Online |
FIN 327 |
Investments |
1412 |
S2 |
Online |
FIN 335 |
Financial Modeling |
1418 |
S2 |
Online |
MGT 475 |
Leadership in Orgs |
2609 |
S2 |
Campus |
MIS 301 |
Statistic Analys for Bus |
1488 |
S2 |
Online |
MIS 301 |
Statistic Analys for Bus |
2125 |
S2 |
Online |
MIS 306 |
Systems Analysis & Design |
2315 |
S4 |
Online |
MIS 315 |
Bus Applic Programming |
2019 |
S4 |
Online |
MKTG 371 |
Consumer Behavior |
2652 |
S2 |
Online |
Undergraduate Studies
Course # |
Course Title |
Schedule # |
Session |
Location |
GEN S 150 |
Building Your Future Self |
2034 |
S2 |
Campus |
Newly admitted graduate students should contact their graduate program directly to
discuss summer registration eligibility.
Please contact the Office of Admissions at [email protected].