Summer 2020 Academic Calendar

February | |
February 5 | Applications available for December 2020 graduation with a bachelor's degree or advanced degree in your *** Broken a:173768 admissions: 1-sdsu webportal ***. For more information visit the Apply to Graduate web page. |
February 21 | Personal registration information and the My Planner tool available in the *** Broken a:173768 admissions: 1-sdsu webportal ***. |
February 24 | Payments of tuition and fees accepted for Six Week Summer Session 1 (S1), Thirteen Week Summer Session (T1), and Six Week Summer Session 2 (S2). |
March | |
March 2 | Summer 2020 registration begins. |
May | |
May 22 | Last day to pay tuition and fees for S1 and T1 without penalty. |
May 22 | Last day to withdraw from all classes and receive a full refund of tuition and fees for S1 and T1. |
May 25 | Holiday—Memorial Day. Faculty/staff holiday. Campus closed. |
May 26 | First day of summer term. First day of S1 and T1 classes. Faculty begin to add from wait list for S1 and T1. |
May 28 | S1 - Last day of wait list auto-enrollment. Faculty control adding seats from the wait list after this date. |
May 29 | S1 - Last day for faculty to drop students from classes for session. |
June | |
June 1 | T1 - Last day of wait list auto-enrollment. Faculty control adding seats from the wait list after this date. |
June 2 | T1 - Last day for faculty to drop students from classes for session. |
June 3 | S1 schedule adjustment deadline. Last day to add/drop and pay tuition and fees for S1. |
June 5 | T1 schedule adjustment deadline. Last day to add/drop and pay tuition and fees for T1. |
June 19 | Last day to receive a prorated refund for S1. |
June 26 | Thesis submission strict 3:45 p.m. deadline: Final day for submitting thesis with the processing fee to Montezuma Publishing for thesis review to have the best likelihood for graduation in summer 2020. |
July | |
July 1 | Applications available for May or August 2021 graduation with a bachelor's degree or advanced degree in your *** Broken a:173768 admissions: 1-sdsu webportal ***. For more information visit the Apply to Graduate web page. |
July 3 | Holiday—Independence Day (observed). Faculty/staff holiday. Campus closed. |
July 6 | Last day of S1 classes. (Final exams are the last day of classes for each summer session.) |
July 6 | Last day to pay tuition and fees for S2 without penalty. |
July 6 | Last day to withdraw from all classes and receive a full refund of tuition and fees for S2. |
July 7 | First day of Session S2 classes. Faculty begin to add from wait lists for Six Week Summer Session 2 (S2). |
July 9 | S2 - Last day of wait list auto-enrollment. Faculty control adding seats from the wait list after this date. |
July 10 | S2 - Last day for faculty to drop students from classes for session. |
July 12 | Last day to receive a prorated refund for T1. |
July 13 | S1 - Grades due from instructors (11 p.m. deadline). |
July 15 | S2 schedule adjustment deadline. Last day to add/drop and pay tuition and fees for S2. |
July 17 | Census. |
July 29 | Last day to receive a prorated refund for S2. |
August | |
August 7 | Last day for reporting results on comprehensive examinations to the Division of Graduate Affairs by department or college. |
August 14 | Thesis publication strict 3:45 p.m. deadline: Thesis review process, including publishing, must be completed on this date at Montezuma Publishing. Applicants for graduation missing the final deadline will be automatically evaluated for graduation in future terms. |
August 14 | Last day of classes of S2 and T1 classes. (Final exams are the last day of classes for each summer session.) |
August 19 | Last day for submission of incomplete and RP grade removals (excluding thesis) for August 2020 graduation with an advanced degree. |
August 19 | Avoid reenrollment in 799B strict 3:45 p.m. deadline: Final day to submit thesis with the processing fee to Montezuma Publishing for thesis review without having to enroll in Thesis 799B the following semester. |
August 19 | T1 and S2 grades due from instructors. (11 p.m. deadline.) Last day of summer term. |
Information on this web site is subject to change without notice. Every effort is made to ensure that information is current and accurate.