SDSU Legacy Student Information System
To better serve the needs of the students at San Diego State University, the university implemented a powerful student information system (SIS) designed to enhance the way students interact with the university and transform the student experience in 2022. The system, known as my.SDSU, is designed to also enhance the experience of faculty and staff by allowing them greater access to more reliable data and support.
In some cases, staff may need to access data in legacy systems to complete assigned responsibilities.
Legacy Account Requests
Staff members needing access to legacy student information systems (SIMS/R and/or the Enrollment Services Data Center) must complete a Staff Request for Legacy SIS Access. The form must be approved by the requestor’s immediate supervisor and appropriate administrator.
Access Options
Staff members should request the following access options based on their responsibilities. Requestors must describe their responsibilities in detail and/or provide a position description. All access to legacy requests are view-only, for reference purposes. As of October 2022, my.SDSU is considered the official student information system of record.
- SIMS/R - SIMS/R was the Student Information System until my.SDSU was implemented in October
2022. Provides access to legacy data for students, applicants, and courses prior to
the my.SDSU implementation. Data may not be up to date if the record has been converted
to my.SDSU.
- Use SIMS/R: If you have already obtained an account, you may access the SIMS/R student database via the secure web interface. Use SIMS/R now.
- APEX/Enrollment Services Data Center (ESDC) - provides access to historical data from SIMS/R. Reports reflect data from the student information system as of October 2022.